Parts of speech || Knowledge point by Abhay maurya

Parts of Speech Table

Parts of Speech

Part of Speech Definition Examples Usage Example
Noun Names a person, place, thing, or idea dog, city, happiness, computer The dog is barking.
Pronoun Replaces a noun he, she, it, they, we Sarah is kind. She helps everyone.
Verb Shows an action or state of being run, jump, is, are They run every morning.
Adjective Describes or modifies nouns/pronouns big, blue, happy, tall She has a big smile.
Adverb Modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs quickly, very, yesterday, well He runs quickly.
Preposition Shows the relationship between a noun/pronoun and other words in, on, at, over, between The book is on the table.
Conjunction Connects words, phrases, or clauses and, but, or, so, because I wanted to go, but I was tired.
Interjection Expresses strong emotion or sudden feeling wow, oh, oops, hurrah Wow! That was amazing.
Nouns and Their Types

Nouns and Their Types

A detailed explanation of different types of nouns

Type of Noun Description Examples Usage
Common Nouns General names for people, places, things, or ideas. dog, city, teacher The dog is barking.
Proper Nouns Specific names for particular people, places, or things. New York, John, Microsoft She lives in New York.
Concrete Nouns Things that can be perceived by the senses. apple, car, music I ate an apple.
Abstract Nouns Ideas, feelings, or qualities that can't be physically touched. love, happiness, freedom Freedom is important.
Countable Nouns Nouns that can be counted and have plural forms. book (books), child (children) She has three books.
Uncountable Nouns Nouns that cannot be counted individually. water, advice, rice She needs some water.
Collective Nouns Names for groups of people, animals, or things. team, family, flock The team won the match.
Compound Nouns Nouns made up of two or more words. toothpaste, mother-in-law She used some toothpaste.
Possessive Nouns Nouns that show ownership or possession. girl's, teacher's, students' That is the teacher's book.
Click here for a summary of Nouns
Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. They are divided into different types based on their function and characteristics.

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